Due to irreconcilable differences we are no longer able to supply warranty service for Magellan products in Canada
Thank you to all my Canadian customers for your support over the last 14 years
Please call 1-800-707-9971 to obtain warranty instructions directly from Magellan
-GPS Training Seminars,,3 hour training session "HANDS ON" learn to store waypoints,load MAPS,create ROUTES and store them on your computer for later retrieval and use,organization and playing back your data using Mapsend software, (pre-booking only) call or email to reserve..
-GPS RENTAL by the day or week or month
-repairs and parts for MRM 700/760
-MRM 800 lockup fix (firmware)
-all firmware in stock for models going back to 315/320 series,map 410,sportrak,meridian,explorist
-older software available for,Datasend,Jepperson aircraft,mapsend,directroute, etc for older models
-upload of Directroute and Topo Mapping to GPS (fee for this service)
-sales and repairs of all models up to Explorist,( big box store returns refurbished/sold)(most are NIB)
-Data Cables,power cords,mounting hardware for older models (subject to availability)(fleamarket page)
Check out Uniden Home patrol Digital scanner on FLEAMARKET PAGE (left side)
WI-MAX Internet service for Rural Ontario customers,
4G speed available 3-5-10 mb/s down, 900 kbs up
40 GB data download for only $5.00/month
VIA-SAT satellite coming online end of Jan 2012 call 4 info
JUPITER satellite now operating,, more speed and B/W
-check out Lighthawk RC helicopters on FLEAMARKET
Please visit FLEAMARKET page (top left)
For new items posted every few days visit KIJIJI site
in Owen Sound under ELECTRONICS
Additional nav screens may be added to certain Explorist models
(210,400,500,600 or XL)
custom nav screens added to 210 or any other explorist unit ($20 upgrade on your unit) (new screens shown below )
The "LARGE FONT" screen alone is worth it..

FIRST COME.. FIRST SERVED,limited quantities
Explorist 300 GPS, all above + flux gate compass--- $79.00,
Explorist 400 GPS, AAA batt clip,SD slot,USB capable- $80.00
Meridian Color, NIB WAAS update SW v5.40m----- $129.00
Meridian Marine, only have one .......................... ,$160.00.
Roadmate 760 w/ver 5.14 maps 6 mill poi-----------$40.00
Maestro 3225 , ver 1.36 s/w(upgradable) A1-------$30.00
powercord included and docs but Missing mount,
with updated 4.72 software and 37 Maps price is------- $59.00
I do not have manuals for these units, they are bulk packed "units only" as received when doing warranty repairs, Manuals can be downloaded from www.magellangps.com
I also have parts to repair ANY explorist you have,
Case upper/lower,Displays,Keypad assemblies
are all in stock NOW !!!
I have repaired these units for over 15 years and can make your old friend operational again, drop a note,
typical turnaround time is 3 days.
Be sure to check out my FLEAMARKET for more deals
Magellan Meridian Gold Special Edition package..$99.95
I recommend this unit ,( my own choice)

Meridian Gold features a built in 16MB North American Basemap.
can be converted to Marine Basemap...
Have limited stock again.....
Bluenav Marine MAPS FROM $39.95
Color unit also available $100.00
NOTE: the Meridian Color has an INPUT for active ANTENNA, this will increase performance of your unit greatly, I also have Ma/Com active antennas in stock for 25.00,, what a deal!!!
comes with marine basemap installed
Meridian Gold Special Edition Canada bundle includes:
• Meridian Gold GPS, 16 MB SD card, PC data cable, MapSend Streets & Destinations Canada CDROM
Meridian Gold Features
• 16MB database of US cities interstate highways, state highways, political boundaries, major waterways, and airports
• Increase mapping detail by downloading streetlevel MapSend maps to optional industry standard SD cards 8, 16, 32, 64MB
• Stores up to 500 waypoints, 20 reversible routes, 2000 trackpoints
• Waypoints, routes & tracks can be loaded/saved from/to SD data cards (since Version 3.12 software)
• Supports 9 languages English, French, German, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or Dutch
• Size: 6.5" x 2.9" x 1.3"
• Weight: 8 ounces
• Display Size: 2.2" x 1.75"
• Display Resolution: 160 x 120 pixels.
• Backlit display and keypad
• 12-channel receiver, WAAS enabled
• Quadrifilar helix antenna
• Battery life: Up to 14 hours on 2 AA batteries
• Navigation Screens: 7 customizable navigation screens (Map, Compass, Large Data, Position, Road, Speedometer, Strip Compass)
• Alarms: Arrival, Anchor, Cross track error, GPS
• 12 built-in coordinate systems and 76 datums including Latitude/Longitude, Universal Transverse Mercator, and Military Grid Reference System.
• Save Track-to-Route feature allows you to convert complicated track files into easy to follow routes. Save hundreds of routes by transferring them to a PC with Magellan DataSend™ software.
• The Meridian Gold's NorthFinder™ technology shows your direction even when standing still.
• Sun/Moon calculator shows when the sun will rise and set, as well as the phase of the moon, for any date and location in the world.
• Best Fish and game calculator
• Meridian Gold is sealed to IEC-529 IPX7 waterproof specifications - it floats!
• RTCM 104 (in) /NMEA 0183 V1.5 & 2.1 (out) DGPS ready
USER TIP: To prolong the working life of your Meridian Gold unit please insert the batteries with care! Press each battery firmly against the spring (at the - end) and carefully lower the battery against the + connector spring. If your Meridian Gold stops working after you have inserted batteries please contact Bill's Electronics (519) 367-2771 for repair.
these are all bench tested and firmware updated before shipping..
Bluenav Charts, 39.95 each
Maestro 4250 Navigator.. features listed below,,
BIN= $79.95 one available.
these are all bench tested and firmware updated before shipping..
sold with 60 day warranty.......
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